It’s news many parents have gotten over the years—your child needs glasses. Whether a child needs a little extra help to read the chalkboard or needs stronger corrective lenses, that first time shopping for glasses can be overwhelming for both the child and the parents.

There are many concerns about shopping for glasses for kids. You want a pair that will do their job, and it’s also important that the glasses are easy to wear. And of course, for kids of a certain age, they’ll want to make sure they look good. Here are a few simple ways to make sure getting that first pair of glasses for your child goes as smoothly as possible.

Ensure They Have the Right Prescription

Before you shop for glasses, you’ll want to make sure you know exactly what kind your child needs. Many kids are first diagnosed with vision problems through eye tests from the school nurse. While they can identify problems when they first appear, you’ll want more details.

After getting the advice to buy glasses for your child, the first step should be to make an appointment with an optometrist. These specialists have access to equipment and testing that may pick up details that the first test couldn’t. They’ll be able to help determine the right prescription.

From there, you’ll be able to ask for advice to find the best fit for your child. Do they need more than one pair for different circumstances? What materials will be the most durable and easy to wear for their age? You may want to write down a list of questions before the appointment.

Find the Right Style

One of the biggest challenges with purchasing glasses for your child is getting them to wear them every day. Many kids are worried about being made fun of at school, even though many of their classmates probably wear them. Also, kids lose and forget things all the time.

The best way to avoid this is to make sure they like their new pair of glasses. Treating them like a fashion accessory rather than a medical instrument will help flip the script and make this a shopping trip they’re looking forward to.

The first step? Let them choose the color or pattern of the glasses. While certain parts like the prescription will be determined by the experts, the color will have no impact on how the glasses work and are an ideal choice for kids to make. They may also be able to get a fashionable case to help them keep track of their glasses.

Find the Right Fit

The ideal optometrist will point you to the right place to get glasses that fit your child. Most stores are designed for adults and only have a small selection of kids’ glasses. You want a place that specializes in kids’ prescription glasses to fit their smaller heads.

This may be a game of trial and error, so it might help to take a measurement of your child’s head before shopping. While no two heads are identical, having a general idea will help you narrow down your choices and shorten the shopping time.

If things don’t fit perfectly immediately, the pair of glasses may still be usable. Experts in eyewear are skilled at making subtle adjustments to frames to make them fit. Some glasses also come with tools for adjusting glasses at home.

Make it Fun For Them

Getting glasses can be a big change for kids, and it can be scary to make that first visit. The best way to handle this is to make it an adventure. Broach the topic not by making them think anything is wrong with their vision, but that they can get something to make them see better.

It may help to show them role models who wear glasses, both celebrities and fictional characters. After all, Cyclops of the X-men and Superman’s secret identity both sport eyewear occasionally. This can help take the nerves off for younger kids.

For older kids, it may help to combine the shopping trip with something they enjoy, like a dinner out. Once they have their glasses, make sure to compliment how they look and ensure their self-esteem stays high and they’re keeping track of their new eyewear.

The Ideal Pair

Glasses can work wonders to help kids at school and in their day-to-day lives. Getting the right pair can make all the difference. These tips will help make that first shopping trip a snap.